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Owning your shit...

Updated: Nov 28, 2018

Nowadays, we seem to come up with excuses for everything; running late, forgetting a birthday, not following through on a commitment, why you ate the third slice of pizza, so forth and so on. I am guilty as charged when it comes to excuses. I've used my job, my family, sickness, forgetting, something coming up, car won't start. You name it, I probably used it. I really never gave too much thought about how it was effecting me or keeping me from my fullest potential.

During my divorce, I went on a downward spiral before crashing and burning. I used my divorce as an excuse for everything. Instead of owning my part in it; I made some terrible friends, did some stupid shit, was a bad mom, a not so great friend to my real friends, and I'm sure some other shit I was too drunk to remember doing. Not my finest moments to say the least. I would put on this show that I was good and I was happy but when I was alone it was brutal. This went on until the depression hit me a year later. I felt like a failure, a fraud, weak, stupid, and everything else under the sun. I cried until I literally had nothing left to cry and then would cry some more.

I came to the realization that my life was never going to get any better if I didn't own my shit. I got a divorce so I could show my son the right way to treat a girl, how a loving marriage works, and how to be a good person. And in that moment, I decided that excuses were not going to work for me anymore. I wasn't going to give up on my son and I was going to fight everyday to be a better person.

So here I am, just trying to be the best version of myself everyday. I don't commit to something I can't follow through with, I admit when I screw up, I apologize when I am wrong, and I share my accomplishments and failures equally.

Peace, Love, Yoga

Crazy Cajun Yogi

Kristen and Aidan (My Wedding 11/4/17)

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